17 August, 2014

Are you in love?

Blogging for the first time and all I could think about is blogging about my muses with girls as a teenager! Such a shame, but don't get biased. Just dive in and do bear with me.

So you saw a girl and fell in love with her? Hoping that she likes you back too(well some day maybe)? Think she's the perfect match for you(way too early for that boy)?

So you did find the perfect girl!

So did I. Umm...Many times, actually.

There was Rachel(name changed),Trisha......well you know what, the list is way too long so let's just skip all that.

So in this short span of my life, through casual,naive interactions, I found some of the most beautiful (perfect if you may say)girls in my locality and school . Some were way out of my league, some being simple harmless crushes(we all have them). But there was always a problem.  And in different cases, the problems were always different.  Here's a short list of some of the obstacles I encountered.
  • She was in a relationship.
  • She didn't like me.
  • I was annoying.
  • I was arrogant.
  • I was too poor for her.
  • I couldn't maintain a budget.
  • I spent all my money partying.
  • She thought I was crazy.
  • I was a flirt.
  • I was trying too hard.
  • Our interests didn't align.

Oh, how much the list goes on. But here I was, surrounded by so many beautiful girls, yet I was close to no one. I tried continually to be interesting to them, but sadly I couldn't. No matter how hard I tried, I failed over and over and over.

But, then I found her!

She was this ethereal being right in front of me, illuminating through the crowd.  A woman who didn't smoke, didn't drink, someone who had a lot of the same interests as me.  Someone whom I was able to instantaneously connect with.  Someone whom I could talk to about anything. She was the thing that made me re-evaluate my whole life for the first time(I know, I know). And after some meetings, I just knew...  

The problem was that she didn't feel the same as I did for her! Problem being that she was my 3am talk buddy but not my 4pm StarBucks date.

How could I change that?

How could I be her Dream guy?

Then suddenly it hit. I've said this many times before to myself (but in different situations).
In order to have what you want, you first need to do what it takes to have it. But before I even did what it takes to have it, or in this case, her, I would first need to become the perfect man.

I don't know how it completely slipped my mind, but it did. However, once I realized this, I did try being the perfect guy(as near as an 18 year old can get :P).

In order to attract that perfect girl, I needed to first be the perfect man.  So as each day went by, I started to chip away at my flaws.  I started being honest and open with myself.  I started being honest and open with others. It's one way of saying that I started being more of myself with each passing day ! I started to slowly control my budget, my spending, my savings.  I started to take care of my physical being, how I presented myself , my health and most importantly my attitude towards others.

I was far from perfect(I still am), but as time progressed, I started to grow on her. A girl who did not even know that I existed was joining me over for a science museum outing together with my cousins. To add to my list, I was skinny as hell. But she found perfections in my imperfections. She was a girl who was interested in who I am, deep inside.

So here's the thing.  Most people stop when they have what they want(it can be anything).  They stop improving.  They stop becoming better.  They feel safe and comfortable, as they have finally accomplished what they were set out to do.  They take things for granted . And then they start to deteriorate. 

I know, I was able to find what I was looking for. 


It does feels good to have the love of your life beside you.

But am I going to be able to keep her around for the next fifty years of my life?

The only way I'm going to be able to do that is to continually improve.

To continually chip away at my flaws.  

To listen to her. 

To be in tune with what is going on. 

To be better each day. 

So, here I am now, after continual failures of trying to have the perfect woman by my side. 

Yet, now I have succeeded.

Partially, at least.  I have well over 70 more years of a life to do what I can to ensure I continue to be the perfect man, so the perfect woman stays by my side.  It's a quest and a journey that I have to set myself out on, but one I refuse to allow myself to failure. 

So boiling down to the question. How will you get the girl of your dreams ? How will you change the current state of your being ?

My advice :




I am no relationship expert on the matter and neither do I claim to be one. But the one thing that  I can assure you is that,
  • you will be a changed man once you embark on this journey. 
  • You will think highly of yourself and above all
  • You will start respecting girls and their feelings which I feel is the most important part.

P.S. If my girlfriend is reading this, I lied earlier.  There are no other perfect women.  Only you.

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