12 March, 2015

Why I don't drink Alcohol!

I have never drunk alcohol. Why ? 

Well here is why ? 


Well you see, I had this friend in my locality. He was a cheerful little man. His presence made us happy. Then we started noticing a change in his behavior. He no longer laughed as much, his usual ardor towards small things, like a game of football, dropped. We later found out that the reason behind his change in personality was his father, who was an inveterate drinker. He apparently would come home and yell at his family, which emotionally scarred my friend.

This incident had a profound impact on the little me. I made a decision to never let that poison into my system, and have still stuck by it. I don't ever intend to drink. I cannot let what happened to my childhood friend, happen to someone I care about. I just can't.

I never understand the weird reasons people give to justify their drinking habit. One common perception is "If you don't drink, you have a boring life". That is absolutely ridiculous. I have an awesome life. I travel, play, party, dance, date around, etc., and I have never felt as if I am missing out on something. In fact some of the most awesome people I have met in my life are sober.

Some people stereotype those who don't drink as being too religious! Well religious matters aside, that is something I am not to comment about.

I see people drinking like crazy, only to puke later and spend the next day in bed. What a waste! I hardly have some 70 years to live, at best. I intend to stay in my senses for as long as I can, so that I can live them to the fullest, and I think I would need my liver for that. I love my life way too much. I have no intentions of dying ahead of my time.
I like being in control. I really get disgusted when I see people completely losing sanity after drinking like a tank. If I had to lose my senses, I would prefer dying. At least that way, I am not being a jerk and making those around me suffer.

I can handle only one addiction at a time, and for that past 19 years of my life, I have been helplessly addicted to life. I intend to keep it that way.

And that is why I don't drink!

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