24 April, 2015

[Linux] What is the exact difference between a 'terminal', a 'shell', a 'tty' and a 'console'

I don't know about you but as a noob in the open-source world, I was not quite sure what was the difference between the above terms.

After a lot of reading around. I think I have got something here.

So let me try to explain it to you the best way I can. So here we go

tl;dr version

terminal = tty = text I/O environment
console = physical terminal
shell = command line interpreter

07 April, 2015

Data Stuctures : Implementation of Linked Lists using C++ (All Common Operations)

Linked Lists can get tricky sometimes and it took me some time to figure it out.

I have provided some of the common implementations of linked lists in the program given below and in no way is it a complete list!!
I have demonstrated
  • Insert and delete at head
  • Insert and delete at last
  • Insert and delete at a particular position
  • Reverse elements Iteratively and recursively (both)

19 March, 2015

Ubuntu : Introduction to making your own apps (Part 1)

As I am writing this post, Ubuntu is the 3rd most deployed OS in the world just behind the big two.

So if you think that building apps for Windows and Mac OS was mainstream, this should come to you as a paradigm shift.

Lets cut the crap and get started shall we?

Installing the SDK release ppa

Adding this repository would be one of the first things that you should do